A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 577

Chapter 577


Finally, one day, Zack came to Rena when summoned.

However, his demeanor exuded coldness.

Rena perused through the report and posed a casual question, “Will you always approach your work with such emotional detachment?”

Zack’s eyes hardened, revealing a cruel intensity.

He glared at her This woman, failed to appreciate his efforts,

After finishing the report, Rena dismissed him.

Zack turned on his heels and departed, Yet, as he stood outside, he could no longer contain his frustration and unleashed a forceful punch upon the wall.

He then discarded a small pill to the ground, crushing it beneath his foot into fine dust.

Rena stepped out, her gaze resting upon him in quiet contemplation.


With a rigid motion, Zack turned around, his eyes reflecting a wounded expression.

In a Composed tone, Rena uttered, “Zack, there are numerous things in this world that cannot be acquired simply through desire… Besides, have you ever considered how to handle things once you obtain them?”

Cold sweat tickled down Zack’s back.

Rena cast her eyes upon the crimson pill and softly advised, “Clean it up. Don’t let others see it. If staying here makes you unhappy, you can return to Heron.”

Zack’s body tensed.

He knew he should depart but the thought of leaving made him feel like a coward, a complete failure. Moreover, he believed Waylen would revel in his departure for days on end.

Chin held high, Zack declared, “I’m not leaving. I will achieve great things to prove myself to you, to make you regret not choosing me.”

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Rena understood that his anger had dulled his senses.

She smiled. “Considering your recent performance, a deduction of 12,000 dollars will be made from your bonus this month.”

Zack seethed with fury.

He now fully recognized Rena as a vengeful and callous woman. She epitomized the typical capitalist, much like Waylen.

With a snort, Zack stormed off.

In the afternoon, Rena received a call from Brandon, who expressed gratitude for Zack’s improved behavior. “Zack mentioned that he plans to return to work at Carson Group in a year. Rena.. Thank you so much.”

Rena responded politely.

She also did not refuse the benefits promised by Brandon…

